Welcome to Bloxburg Wiki
Welcome to Bloxburg Wiki

In Welcome to Bloxburg, there are several known titles that are implemented into the game and can be found above a player's character while playing and in the chat. Some titles are only available to players who obtained them somehow, and some titles are available for everyone to use.

These titles can be disabled by the players to not appear in the chat or over their character at any given time.


Regular Titles[]

  • Landscaper
  • Designer
  • Renovator
  • Builder
  • Noob
  • Bloxburger
  • Relative
  • Child
  • Grandparent
  • Parent
  • Roleplayer
  • Decorator

Special Titles[]

Premium Players[]

Players that own the Premium gamepass will receive this title, along with a special trophy to place in Build Mode. The title reads "Premium" with red text. But they are able to hide it and change their title to none.

Early Bloxburgers[]

Anyone who bought Bloxburg for 25 robux before it was realesed for free got it, along with a special trophy to place in Build Mode, like Premium.

Neighborhood Hosts[]

Players that own a personal neighborhood will receive this title. The title can only be seen while the player is playing in their neighborhood. The title reads "Host" in green text.

Developers (Creator of Bloxburg)[]

Coeptus is currently the only player in Welcome to Bloxburg that has this title. Players must be a developer of Welcome to Bloxburg to achieve this title. The title reads "Developer" in orange text. FroggyHopz, whilst working on the game for an extended amount of time, is considered a contributor and has the contributor badge.


There is not much information available about this particular title, but it is a nametag that you can get if you work for Bloxburg. It's unclear if it offers any special in-game abilities, but it's possible. The only person known to have this title is BramPeeee, one of the two Community Managers for Welcome to Bloxburg, but it is very likely that other Developers and employees for Bloxburg Development have it.


Similar to the 'Administrator' title, there is not much information available about this particular title. The only person known to have this title is Community Manager BramPeeee, but it is very likely that other Developers and employees for Bloxburg Development have it.


Players that have contributed to the development of Welcome to Bloxburg will receive this title. Some contributors of Welcome to Bloxburg are FroggyHopz, Bramp1996, Mikedop, Catlateral, and StarryNight502. The title reads "Contributor" in green text.



  • Regular players used to not be able to toggle or change titles.
  • Titles cannot be renamed or turned into another color.

    The setting to turn off a title in Options.

  • Players who own a title have the ability to turn it off in Options.
  • Players that are both a host and have the Premium gamepass will have "Host" show up as their title in their neighborhood.
    • Premium will show up while playing on a regular Welcome to Bloxburg server.
  1. 1.0 1.1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwu7C1Gkk-g&t=286sYou can see the Administrator, Moderator, and Developer title at the top of the dropdown.