Welcome to Bloxburg Wiki
Welcome to Bloxburg Wiki

Premium is one of several gamepasses players can purchase in Welcome to Bloxburg, which offers a variety of exclusive features for Robux 2019 Logo Black 400. Players with Premium will receive affordable bills, higher daily rewards, a unique nametag, a higher donation limit, and the ability to choose their plot locations. Players with Premium also receive a unique trophy.

Game Description

As a Premium member you get: halved bills, double daily rewards, a special nametag, increased donation limit and the ability to choose your plot!

Exclusive Features

Affordable Bills

Premium players will receive affordable bills, which is 50% off from regular players. With Premium, they only have to pay 0.3% of the house value as bills, compared to 0.6%. This is useful for players that have expensive plots and cannot afford their bills.

Daily Rewards

Premium players also receive twice the amount of rewards given in their daily rewards over regular players. Premium players can receive up to $3,600 and B$40 from daily rewards.

The Premium Title

Players with Premium will receive a unique title that displays that they are a Premium member. This title can be viewed on top of the player and in the chat while they are talking. Premium players will also get a diamond icon next to their name that cannot be removed

Donation Limit

Premium players can donate up to $50,000 to other players, compared to just $10,000 for regular players. The cooldown is the same for both Premium and regular players. (Note when you donate $50,000 it tends to glitch out)

Plot Locations

Players with Premium unlock the ability to choose their plot location on the map, compared to having it randomly selected for regular players.


When a Premium player first purchases the gamepass, they will receive a free Premium trophy that can be used for decoration. This trophy can be found in the player's inventory.

Tips and Tricks

This section displays a variety of tips and tricks that players with the Premium gamepass can use.

  • Premium players should disable their nametag in settings if players begging for money becomes too much for them.
  • Premium players should take advantage of the higher donation limit, especially for those players that host giveaways.
  • Players with Premium should find a spot they like on the map and spawn there each time for the sake of simplicity, it'll make it easier for roleplay!
    • If the spot is taken, move your house around that area instead.


  • Premium, along with Advanced Placing, are the only two gamepasses in Welcome to Bloxburg to include multiple features in each pass.
  • Premium players receive no advantages in Build Mode.
  • Premium, along with Unlocked Stereo, are the second most expensive gamepasses, each costing 400 robux. Transform plus being the most expensive gamepass (600 robux).
  • This gamepass may have features added in a future update, however, this is not guaranteed.
Gamepasses List
Gamepasses Advanced PlacingBasementsExcellent EmployeeLarge PlotMarvelous MoodMultiple FloorsPremiumTransform PlusUnlocked Stereo