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The Pop Up Canopy Tent is a decoration in Build Mode that was added to Bloxburg in Version 0.11.0. Players can purchase this for $1,900, and it can be found under the Garden tab.


A large pop up canopy tent.


The Pop Up Canopy Tent is a cosmetic decoration that does not serve any specific function. It can be used to decorate a user's house.

Garden List
Plants and Natural Decorations Apple TreeBerry BushBirch TreeBlossoming BushBlossom CactusBoulderBox HedgeCarrotsCattailsCherry Blossom TreeCoconut Palm TreeCompact BushCorn StalkDaisiesDead TreeDirt PileExotic TreeFern PlantField of FlowersFine CypressFloor IvyFloral Lily PadHydrangea BushLarge BoulderLarge CactusLarge MushroomLarge Organic TreeLarge Organic Tree with SwingLarge RockLarge Round BushLarge Stepping StoneLarge StoneLeaf PileLemon TreeLiliesLily PadMedium CactusMedium MushroomMonstera PlantMonstera Variegata PlantMushroomsNatural PlantNoobish Hedge SculptureOnion PlantOrange TreeOrganic TreeOvergrown Wall VinePear TreePilea PlantPine TreePineapple PlantPumpkin PlantRose BushRough CypressRough TreeRound BushShort GrassSmall CactusSmall Dirt PileSmall MushroomSnake Leaves PlantSpherical TreeSpider PlantSpiral Hedge TreeSpruce TreeStack TreeStrawberry BushSunflowersTall GrassTall Natural PlantTomato PlantTropical Leaves PlantTulipsWall IvyWatermelon PlantWild Flowers
Pots and Planters Beveled PotBarrel PlanterBasic PotBowl PotCircle PlanterCircular Metal PlanterElegant Flower PotFramed PlanterGeodesic PlanterHanging Bowl PotHanging Bowl PotLarge Barrel PlanterLarge Framed PlanterLarge Modern Cube PlanterLarge Ordinary PlanterLarge Floor PotLarge Rounded PotLarge Wooden PlanterLong Raised Planter BoxLong Wooden PlanterLuxe Ribbed PotLuxurious PotMetal PlanterModern Cube PlanterModern Linear PlanterModern Wall PlanterRadius PlanterRaised Beveled PotRaised Circle PlanterRaised Luxe Ribbed PotRaised PotRustic Planter BoxSimple Long Raised PlanterSimple Square Raised PlanterSquare Raised Planter BoxSquare Wooden PlanterTall PotTire PlanterWooden PlanterWooden Wall Planter
Garden Tools and Decorations Beehive HouseBirdhouseBug Catching NetClassic PergolaEvent TentField of FirefliesHanging Bird FeederMiniature GreenhousePatio CanopyPergola ArchPile of Chopped Wood LogsPlastic RakeRectangular Stepping StoneSandboxSleek Modern PergolaSquare Sail Shade CanopySquare Stepping StoneTraditional GazeboTrellis ArchWheelbarrow
Playground Equipment Bouncy CastleEnclosed TrampolineMetal SwingsRock Climbing WallRock WallTrampolineWooden PlaysetWooden Swings
Fountains and Sprayers Fancy FountainLarge FountainFancy Wall FountainGarden SprinklerMedium Narrow SprayerShort Wide SprayerMedium Wide Sprayer Arched SprayerMiniature SprinklerModern Cube FountainModern FountainOctagonal FountainShort Narrow SprayerSleek FountainTall Arched SprayerTall Narrow SprayerTall WaterfallTall Wide Sprayer
Halloween Spooky BushGhost PotPumpkin PotSpooky Tree
Christmas Bare Icicle TreeBare Illuminated TreeBare Snowflake Tree
Fall Rough Autumn Tree
Winter Snow PileSnow ShovelSnowy BoulderSnowy Fine CypressSnowy Large BoulderSnowy Large RockSnowy Large Round BushSnowy Organic TreeSnowy Pine TreeSnowy Rough CypressSnowy Rough TreeSnowy Round BushSnowy Spherical Tree