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Marvelous Mood, added in Version 0.10.6, is a gamepass that make moods decrease less and makes the low hygiene particles and animations optional.

All four mood bars take longer to deplete and negative effects like "low-quality furniture" are less severe to said bars. This allows players to keep mood-related bonuses without having to quit their jobs to refill them to 100%. This also allows for low hygiene particle effects and animations to be disabled in the menu.

Game Description[]

Keeps your mood up for longer by increasing positive and decreasing negative mood statuses! Also adds option to toggle most negative mood effects, such as particles and animations.

Additional Info[]

  • "Great" mood effect is replaced with "marvelous".
  • Low amounts of Fun will still negate bonuses from work, so the player will still have to manage their mood if they need to maximize profit.
  • The Marvelous mood gamepass is the second cheapest gamepass. The cheapest one is the Basements gamepass at Robux 2019 Logo Black 100
Gamepasses List
Gamepasses Advanced PlacingBasementsExcellent EmployeeLarge PlotMarvelous MoodMultiple FloorsPremiumTransform PlusUnlocked Stereo