Added in v0.5.9, fireplaces are purchasable structures for domesticated fires inside a player's plot. A player can interact with the fireplace to turn the fire on/off and also roast marshmallows with no cost. Later added in Version 0.8.5, players can place additional items onto these fireplaces. Fireplaces will also not shut off when bills are overdue.
While a big and fancy barbecue might give you the perfect sear, it's not exactly the most portable. This grill rack comes pre-installed with an open fire, takes up virtually no room and gives you priceless wilderness experience at no charge!
Victor's fireplace was the real focal point of the mansion. He would sit to warm himself and speak about his archaeological artifacts from many adventures to all whom would lend an ear. His storytelling abilities were captivating, leading to many sitting around this beautiful hearth.
Victor's fireplace was the real focal point of the mansion. He would sit to warm himself and speak about his archaeological artifacts from many adventures to all whom would lend an ear. His storytelling abilities were captivating, leading to many sitting around this beautiful hearth.
Stats: Environment: ++++
Tips & Tricks[]
If your building a winter-themed or house that in located in a close vicinity of polar climates then you should add a fireplace as it adds more to the theme and a cozy atmosphere for the house.
If you are building small, it is suggested to use a fireplace with a mantle so you can put decor/electronics on the mantel or a Modern or Simple fireplace as they have spots which TV's can go to optimize space better.
Players can place mantle decorations on the Basic Fireplace, Traditional Fireplace, Simple Fireplace, and Elegant Fireplace. Players cannot put decorations on the Fire Pit, Rectangular Fire Pit and Modern Fireplace.
All fireplaces, except for the Fire Pit and the Rectangular Fire Pit, are created by FroggyHopz.